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Helping the medicine go down

Helping the medicine go down

So here are some tips for making the medicine go down with tears or tantrums.

  • • Tablets can easily be crushed between two dessertspoons and mixed with a spread such as Manuka honey or jam or a nut spread.
  • • Mix powders, internal contents of capsules or liquids with yoghurt, mashed banana, pureed pear or apple or smoothies.
  • • To reduce the sweetness of powders, mix with mineral water or soda water with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice.
  • • Vitamin D capsules can be pierced and hidden in savoury options such as mashed sweet potato, tomato or meat sauces.
  • • Numb taste buds by having young patients suck on an ice cube or frozen juice icy pole prior to giving the supplements.
  • • Encourage children to drink liquid mixtures through a straw to bypass the taste buds at the front of the tongue.
  • • Mix powder or herbs with water or juice and make into ice blocks. Try one teaspoon dose per ice cube.
  • • Fish oil liquid is best taken chilled.
  • • Mix powders or herbal medicine with water or fresh juice and gelatine or agar agar to make into small jelly cups.
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