Green soup

With cooler days ahead, nice to have another soup recipe to add to our repertoire! However, given the rather comforting fact that we may still enjoy some delightfully sunny days in the first few months of autumn, this soup can be served either hot or cold. If serving hot, add the yoghurt after heating.
125g peas, shelled weight
1 clove garlic
Pinch coarse salt
2 medium lettuces (I use the velvety Butter lettuces, cleaned and torn into pieces)
250ml or plain organic yoghurt
2cm piece fresh ginger, peeled
Handful mint leaves
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt and pepper
Cook the peas in a small amount of boiling water. Drain, but reserve the cooking water. Cool under running water and refrigerate. Crush the garlic with a pinch of coarse salt.
Combine the garlic with all the other ingredients except the peas in a food processor, adding just enough of the reserved cooking water to reach the desired consistency.
Transfer the soup to a large bowl and chill for about 30 minutes. When ready to serve, stir through the peas, leaving a few to garnish. Excellent with a fresh, walnut sourdough baguette!