Grazing is for cows!

After spending many a delightful hour or so strolling the country lanes of rural France over the past few months, I have noticed what a lot of grazing cows do. They never stop, chomp, chomp all day long.
And my local group of very handsome cows whom I chat to each morning, munched away hour after hour, and were in excellent condition. Not an ounce of fat.
However bear in mind that they were only eating grass (not many calories there!) and their digestive system is very different from ours.
Nibbling, snacking, popping treats into our mouths all day long is not good practice, unless you are a cow of course.
Grazing is passé.
Constant snacking results in weight gain, poor digestion, and decreased enzyme production. We should be hungry for meals, a rumbling stomach is nothing to fear!
Eating sowly with focus, chewing each mouthful well and appreciating our meals is the way to go.
Let’s leave the grazing to the cows, and as the French constantly say “ne pas grignoter entre les repas!”
(Don’t eat between meals!).