November 2022 – Fling into spring with zeal and ardour!

Low-flying wattle birds seeking a lush bottlebrush branch to swing upside-down on, chirping blackbirds looking magnificent in their shiny black feathers, majestic crows out and about on their individual missions, magpies smart in their black and white suits, strutting along the nature strips and talking to one another with their uniquely Australian calls. Such is springtime in Melbourne.
Into this wondrous birdy world, add in the enticing scent of jasmine in the air and the sight of cheery pink cherry blossoms in our neighbourhood gardens.
Longer days, spectacular sunrises and sunsets, crisp starry night skies … we must count our blessings!
Let’s emulate this energetic springtime transformation and decide how we too can embrace such positive change! Let’s alter just one element of our lifestyles which we know deep down, needs attention.
So, let’s all employ as much enthusiasm and determination as humanly possible, to implement a permanent shift to a more positive way of living. A personal, healthy spring clean from the inside out!