Flexible fare!

As well as making 2015 a “can do” year, let’s also make it “the year of dietary expansion”!
Let’s commit to embracing and expanding our dietary repertoire and step out of our alimentary comfort zone.
Resolve to try at least one new plant each month, be it a grain, fruit or vegetable.
I’ve recently embraced a turnip, and can’t believe I’ve ignored this delightful vegetable for so long. I’ve rudely walked passed it at the market for years, never thinking to give the poor thing a go! (Thickly sliced and baked in the oven with a little olive oil, then spread with avocado, a dash of salt and pepper, highly recommended!)
Let’s seriously commit to food flexibility, so by the end of 2015 as we gaze lovingly down at our dinner plates, we will be comforted with the amazing array of new shapes, tastes and colours!