Feathery friends

Have you noticed how many wonderful birds there are in our backyards, local parks and suburbs? Recently, a stunning lorikeet almost bumped into me on her happy flight from one eucalypt to another!
The sounds of birds happily chirping at 4.30 am is music to the ears. And the sight of shiny blackbirds dutifully building nests is inspiring (I have a most beautiful and industrious blackbird constructing a new home in my cherry tree). Wattle birds are darting about everywhere in my back garden, gloriously racing to the next bottlebrush and then comically, appear to hang upside down happily drunk on nectar!
Majestic magpies are staking their claim to the nature strip and nearby park, looking as though they are ticking items off their to do list.
We are truly blessed to have such an abundance of these feathery gems with their unique and quite beautiful bird songs and exquisite beauty so close at hand.
A reminder for us to be present and embrace the beauty around us.
Take good care,
PS: While on the subject of feathers, I would strongly advise to NEVER put a feather cushion in the washing machine. To my horror, on New Year’s Day I opened the washing machine once it had completed its cycle to be confronted with a deluge of feathers spewing out of the machine. Every item of clothing completely pierced with tiny feathers. De-plucking garments wasn’t exactly the way I had planned to spend my New Year’s Day!