Down to eating!

Have you ever caught yourself, much to your horror, eating while standing up?
Perhaps consuming a juicy peach over the kitchen sink, nibbling some corn chips while preparing the evening meal, munching a muesli bar or sandwich whilst walking (very bad!) or trying to neatly consume a salad on your way back to work?
I admit to have committed the standing sin! Yes, I recall when I was at naturopathic college (many years ago, I say in my defence) I found myself eating an orange gazing out of my kitchen window, over the sink!
Our challenge this month, is to ensure ALL food consumed is only in the polite, seated position.
It will make us focus on the task at hand, rather than absentmindedly shoving, shortly forgotten culinary treasures, in our mouth.
What’s more, no matter how small the given edible item is, if you can use a knife and fork, do so… grapes may be a challenge, but give it a go!
To upright consumption!