
I’ve invented a new verb depout!!
I have observed over the last year or so there seems to be a lot of unnecessary pouting going on. Why the sullen look, is this fashionable? It appears so.
The pout gives the impression of being permanently dissatisfied and self-absorbed.
Let’s all try smiling a lot more on a daily basis. When you enter the lift on your way to the office, gym or carpark, give someone a hearty smile and acknowledge how it makes you feel. Smile at a stranger on the train or tram, give the receptionists a hearty grin and a polite and friendly, “Hello, how are you today.” Think outside of the circle of “me” and embrace the attitude of a caring soul.
Smiling is generous, pouting is selfish.
During my delightful three months in rural France, not a pout to been seen! True. Just generous smiles and genuine laughter, and a relaxed attitude to living.
The farmers in my region of France work long days and never seem to take a day off. Yet, there is a sense of communal cheerfulness and lack of haste and a relaxed laissez faire.
Let’s make October the “NO Pout Month” and practice our smiling technique.