December Detox

Even two weeks is beneficial (although six weeks is ideal). Take the toll off your poor digestive system, eliminate the toxic load, and glide into summer in tip-top condition.
A detox doesn’t need to be complex. Just eliminate gluten, dairy, refined sugar, all animal products (except fish), alcohol, caffeine, soy and oranges. Ensure you drink two litres of water per day. Start
the day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice to kick start your liver, and try to exercise before breakfast to set your metabolic rate for the day.
You will feel clear headed in no time, your digestion will be strong, eyes will be clear, hair shiny and energy levels sky rocketing…pretty good incentives to start ASAP!
In all the years I have been in practice I have never heard anyone miserably declare they regret undertaking a detox! I most commonly hear, “I have never felt better!”
Let’s get started now.
December detox
As discussed, a pre-Christmas detox is a sensible plan! Even those who are particularly nutritionally focused and pretty well-disciplined will benefit from a mini-detox.
Just consider the daily bombardment from high levels of chemicals and environmental toxins in our food supply, environment, household products, water supply, and even the air we breathe. Add to this daily industrial onslaught, the health impact of high stress levels, excess alcohol and coffee consumption, inadequate nutrition, and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices… not a pretty organ picture!
Following a few basic detox guidelines will result in clearer skin and whiter eyes, improved bowel function, enhanced liver function, a clear more astute mind, and a comfortable digestive system.
The 2 week detox
- No gluten – that is no wheat, rye, oats or barley (use brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet)
- No dairy, including cow, sheep and goats milk products
- No peanuts or oranges or soy products which are not fermented (i.e. tempeh and tofu ok, but no soy milk)
- No dried fruit
- No animal protein, except cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines
- No processed or canned food, avoid all artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives
- No alcohol, tea or coffee
- At least 2 litres of water per day
An example of a day in the life of your detox
- Start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice
- Exercise 30–45 minutes
- Dry skin brush before showering – this will help draw waste from the skin and stimulate the lymphatic system. Use a long-handled natural bristle brush, brush along your body with long smooth strokes, upward towards the heart.
- Breakfast: quinoa porridge with fresh berries, walnuts and rice milk
- Lunch: pan-fried salmon with lime dressing and a rocket, radicchio, cherry tomato and avocado salad
- Dinner: Tempeh or tofu stir fry with brown rice, broccoli, bok choy and spinach with a pumpkin and sesame seed garnish
- Snacks: fresh fruit, a handful of almonds or seeds, carrot and celery sticks with hummus, or brown rice cakes with avocado and sprouts
See…it’s delicious and very achievable!!
You may also consider taking a herbal supplement containing St Mary’s Thistle, Globe Artichoke, Schisandra or Dandelion Root to help the liver detoxify. The amino acids, methionine and glutamine, cysteine and glycine, also assist immensely, as does choline, vitamins B6 and B12. There are a range of supplements containing all these important elements.