Consultations and supplements

Just some basic housekeeping to address concerns during the COVID-19 virus pandemic.
Yes, I am still practising, my immune system is pretty robust! And of course all distancing and correct hygiene measures are in place to protect my most valuable clients. So I am still at the clinic Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays.
If you would prefer to have a virtual consultation rather than in person that is fine. Initial consultations as well as follow-ups are accessible.
Skype and phone consultations have and will always be available.
Regarding supplements, you can still order with me and collect from the clinic when you need top ups. And of course, as many of you do when I am overseas, you can still order directly from Metagenics and Oborne Health Supplies.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any concerns.
And let’s look on the bright side, think of all those “to-do” jobs around the house and garden which will be attacked with enthusiasm and vigour!