Community chest

Life in rural France is delightfully local. The villages and hamlets are small and there is a great sense of bonding amongst residents and a true sense of wanting to help others. Jams are made and offered to friends, fruit and veggies are left at the front door from a neighbour’s garden and everyone says bonjour!
On reflection, returning to my small Western suburb, I can sense this camaraderie here too.
You may need to look a little closer to see it, but it’s there!
On my walks in the morning, the local school crossing supervisor always has a cheery smile while ferreting me across the school crossing with the preps. The family who owns the fruit and vegetable shop is always ready for a good old chat, and I often leave with a gift of a mandarin or new season apple. My neighbours are extremely kind and most generous, there are often flowers from their garden left on my doorstep.
Two doves (a happy couple) have lived in my back garden for years, and are so tame they walk right by me with an admirable confidence while I’m reading in the garden and my other neighbour’s fluffy cat is happy to perform hilarious roly polys for me… this all adds up to a sense of belonging and provides a gentle backdrop to day-to-day suburban life.
Next time when you are out and about in your own community, I am sure you too will notice the mellow neighbourhood vibe. Take good care,