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Cashew cream

Cashew cream

As you may remember, I am having a gluten free/dairy free time at present, and feel great for it!

However, having failed to find a single healthy and pleasant tasting soy yoghurt on the market (please let me know if you have come across one!) I am now using cashew cream as my yoghurt substitute.

Thanks to a delightful patient who passed this recipe on! (It comes from The Healthy Chef.) I’ve adapted it a little, but there are many variations.

1 cup raw cashews
¾ cup filtered water, plus extra for soaking
Pinch ground cinnamon

Place cashews in a bowl and cover with water, soak overnight.
Drain the water, and place cashews and cinnamon plus the ¾ cup water into a blender and blend for about 30 seconds.
Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to five days.

I can personally vouch that this is delicious with 3 tablespoons of seed mix mixed through, plus a handful of blueberries.
I have also successfully (don’t laugh), spread it on gluten free toast and topped with a baked sweet potato and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

Cashew Cream Competition!
Any other interesting recipes for a dairy-free yoghurt type substitute will be in the draw for a Naturopathic consultation on the house! All ideas should ideally be submitted by the end of March 2014.
Come on I know you all are a resourceful lot!!

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