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Calendula and caesarean healing

Calendula and caesarean healing

A recent randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical trial evaluated the efficacy of a calendula ointment on the rate and effectiveness of healing caesarean wounds compared to standard hospital care.

In this particular study, 72 women undergoing surgical childbirth were randomly categorised into two groups, One, the calendula ointment treatment group who were provided with a 2% hydroethanolic calendula ointment which was applied to their surgical wounds every 12 hours and two, the control group who underwent standard hospital care, which included saline solution wash for ten days.

All patients were assessed using the REEDA (redness, oedema, ecchymosis, drainage and approximation) scale prior to intervention, and the size of the scar was also measured. These assessments were then performed on days three, six and nine.

The findings of this study demonstrated statistically significant differences between the two groups seven days post-surgery, and continued to the final day of the trial (day ten).

The researchers concluded that topical application of calendula ointment was effective in general healing and in speed of healing caesarean wounds post-surgery.

No adverse effects were reported in either group.

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