Busy concentration

Living in such uncertain times of lockdowns and travel restrictions seems to have left us all with a niggling sense of mild anxiety. If feels as if we are treading water… been put on hold.
But let’s turn our focus inward somewhat. Let’s optimistically concentrate on tackling a task put on hold or learning a new skill or perfecting our expertise in a favourite pastime.
It could be as simple as becoming a super soup maker! Or perfectly creating a comforting warm, fluffy scarf or pair of mittens. Learning a new language or brushing up on one. (I am madly scrambling at this delightful task at present! C’est une question d’urgence!) Or how about cryptic crossword management? Planning a vegetable garden, creating a hanging basket…
And here’s one which brings the upmost satisfaction upon completion… tackling the spare room which has oddly morphed into a storage unit!
Joyful concentration and happy busyness are a good way of bypassing the COVID doldrums.
Take good care,