Better Brain Health

This is simply not the case; Alzheimer’s disease and ARCD are linked to oxidative stress, inflammation and DNA damage, many of which are preventable dysfunctions.
Recent research shows that cognitive impairment is also associated with reduced mitochondrial function (the mitochondria is the engine room of our cells where energy is produced). Neurons, or nerve cells, require a tremendous amount of energy to function optimally and disturbances in neuronal energy pathways are known to markedly affect cognitive function and memory. For example mitochondrial respiration has been shown to be reduced by up to 67% in patients with dementia.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a mighty valuable supplement in helping to prevent ARCD.
I have written previously of the benefits of using CoQ10 in treating fatigue due to its ability to provide oxygen to the cell. In ARCD its beneficial role is improving the metabolism of the cell. That is, CoQ10 is part of the electron transport system and is vital for energy production, therefore assisting in preventing or slowing down the reduction in mitochondrial function. CoQ10 levels decline dramatically with ageing and are further worsened if patients are taking statin (cholesterol lowering) medications. A therapeutic dose of 150 mg CoQ10 twice daily helps to prevent this decline. An added bonus is that CoQ10 also assists with maintaining health blood circulation, therefore increasing blood supply to a rather important organ, the brain!
Likewise the superb adaptogenic herb ginseng may also play a valuable role. Ginseng is frequently used by athletes (see article below) to improve physical performance, lower fatigue and shorten recovery time. It does this through a number of actions, one of which is increasing oxygen uptake and transport. Clinical trials have confirmed that ginseng has a positive influence on physical and mental functions, especially in the 40–60 year age group. Indeed, one clinical study found that the resting oxygen in the blood uptake and the transport of oxygen into the organs increased from 100% to 129% after taking ginseng.
This wonderful herb is also capable of stimulating DNA.
Combining ginseng with other notable mental enhancing herbs such as Gingko biloba, Gota kola and Bacopa make a fairly powerful blend in helping to prevent and manage ARCD.
A recent study has also revealed the benefits of the nutritional components of the Mediterranean Diet in preventing cognitive decline in women aged 55–80 years of age. Specific correlations between foods and memory processes were measured. The closest relationships were found between olive oil and increased verbal recollection, walnuts and improved working memory function and red wine with mini mental state examinations. Diets with a high degree of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and polyphenols (a type of antioxidant found in fruits, red wine, olive oil, green tea etc), help to prevent brain oxidation which can lead to cognitive decline later in life.