Bendatarian diet

Bendable and vegetarian seems an excellent compromise for those who want to be a little more vegetarian but don’t want to go the whole hog, if you’ll pardon the expression!
A bendatarian diet means replacing the meat-as-themain- event mentality and replacing it with eating meat as a treat, and embracing our vegetal kingdom.
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, this is an opportune time to consider less cruelty and more respect and love for the animal kingdom.
Focus on fruits and vegetables in abundance. Embrace legumes, nuts and whole grains. Add seeds to salads to give them a delicious and nutritious crunch factor.
Eat as close to nature as possible. Read all labels, and stick as closely as possible to non-processed foods.
Junk food is exactly that. Rubbish without one, single redeeming nutritional factor.
Let’s resolve to have five animal-free days per week, trying at least one new plant every week. I guarantee many will see the light, and may even turn to vegetarianism with the occasional bendable day or too!