Battle Bacteria, Conquer Colds, Fight Flu’s

During the remaining winter months, take 5 ml of Echinacea or Andrographis daily, 1000 mg of vitamin C and 45 mg of
zinc … this simple measure will help to prevent any immune wobblies.
If despite the above measures, you do sadly notice a cold or ’flu coming on, the first sign is normally a sore throat or swollen glands, immediately start on a herbal mix containing Echinacea, Olive leaf, Elderberry and Thyme, 7 ml three times per day. Increase vitamin C to 4000 mg in small divided doses, and increase zinc to three daily (time is of the essence here). In addition avoid sugar (interferes with the white blood cells ability to destroy bacteria), focus your diet on fresh fruit and vegetables, with very little animal protein. Add garlic and ginger to your cooking and stir in fresh, raw, local honey to your herbal teas. And most importantly REST, soldiering on will only delay recovery.