Baby Probiotics

B. infantis creates undesirable conditions for harmful bacteria by both competitive exclusion and through the release of lactic acid and acetic acid. (These organic acids lower the pH of the intestines, discouraging growth of dangerous bacteria). B. infantis decreases the growth of Rota-viruses which cause diarrhoea and thrush.
Importantly, it also helps to prevent lactose intolerance, increases the absorption of minerals and B vitamins and boosts the infant’s immature immune system.
Human milk contains complex oligosaccharides which are completely indigestible by infants. In the intestinal tract these oligosaccharides can cause bloating and gas. A recent study at the University of California found that B. infantis breaks down and consumes oligosaccharides in the large intestine, resulting in the growth of B. infantis.
Type 1 allergic hypersensitivity now affects 1 in 7 children born in Western countries. The child’s immune system status is pivotal in the risk of allergy inception, and the development of the infant’s immune system is dependent on exposure to intestinal microflora. Interesting to learn that a study in 2000 found that allergic infants have a higher level of adult intestinal flora and healthy infants have been shown to have higher levels of infant strain intestinal flora, including B. infantis.
Needless to point out the enormous potential benefits of supplementing infants with B. infantis… the baby dose of probiotics being between 1–4 billion CFU daily.