Avocado advantage

I admit it . . . I am an avocado addict. Yes, it’s true, a week does not go by without the consumption of at least two avocados . . . probably more. The perfect substitute for butter, delightful when lavishly spread on a hard-boiled egg, and when blended with tofu, coriander and a touch of paprika makes an irresistible dip.
But not only delicious also excellent for cholesterol management. New research into this humble fruit has confirmed its cardiovascular benefits.
A meta-analysis incorporating ten studies involving 229 participants published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology identified that the simple act of replacing some dietary animal fats with avocado led to significant decreases in total cholesterol, LDL (the bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. Only fitting I follow with my tofu/avocado-come-guacamole recipe!
Jill’s avocado dip
400 g firm tofu
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons fresh coriander, finely chopped
juice ½ lemon
½ teaspoon cumin
2 ripe flavoursome tomatoes, chopped
Place tofu in blender with cumin, blend roughly.
Add all other ingredients, blend to a creamy consistency.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Place in your prettiest bowl, a dash of olive oil over the top, a sprinkle of paprika and top with a coriander floret. Serve with slices of fennel, celery baby carrots, cucumber and quickly blanched snow peas.