Antibiotics, a year-long plan

Continuing on the probiotic theme a little longer, new evidence reinforces the need to supplement with probiotics for those recently prescribed antibiotics, finding that even a single course of antibiotics can disrupt the microbiome for a year after administration! When assessing the impact of the four different types of antibiotics, researchers found that all of them significantly altered the oral microbiome for several weeks, and had long-lasting effects on intestinal microbial diversity, in some cases for up to twelve months. Equally as concerning, was that the intake of these antibiotics also caused a spike in the genes associated with antibiotic resistance, indicating that these drugs may be inhibiting their own potential as a treatment for infection in the future.
So, whenever prescribed antibiotics, which at times are essential of course, always ensure you concurrently take a high dose (refrigerated!) probiotic two hours away from the antibiotic, for at the very least six months. Consuming fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir and yoghurt is also helpful.