Algal oil is the new fish oil!

Algal oil, a plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, is found in certain species of marine algae. Seaweed and algae provide a naturally rich source of EPA and DHA, as opposed to fish, which are only able to produce EPA and DHA by eating the microalgae accumulating the omega-3 in their tissues.
Studies have shown that algal oil supplements are nutritionally equivalent to cooked salmon and have the same physiological effect in the body.
In a pilot study, 31 people demonstrated that consuming 600 mg of DHA from algal oil per day significantly exceeded the fish oil capsules in the percentage change of DHA over the two-week period. In addition, they also found vegetarians and vegans were able to reach the same DHA levels in comparison to omnivores, despite having low DHA levels at the beginning of the study.
Fish oil sometimes causes digestive issues, and complaints about after taste. Clinical trials involving algal oil show less associated risk, and an added benefit due to its neutral flavour.
Many plant-based forms of omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed walnut and chia seeds oil contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). However ALA needs to be converted to EPA and DHA in the body, which in turn produces only small amounts of DHA.
While consuming ALA can certainly boost omega-3 intake, it may not be enough to reap the potential health benefits. A clear advantage of algal oil, over other vegan-friendly oils, is it directly provides EPA and DHA without requiring the metabolic conversion process, resulting in greater amounts of DHA and EPA being utilized by the body.
The health benefits of algal oil have been well researched as having anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet effects, and helpful in preventing and treating chronic health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis and dementia.
Furthermore, a clinical review based on 16 published trials examined the effects of DHA derived from algae oil supplementation on cholesterol levels. The review found that 1–2 g of algal oil supplementation reduced triglyceride and cholesterol levels. In some participants in the trial there was also a significant reduction in blood pressure and heart rate.
The benefits of the production of algal oils are not only limited to human dietary need, but, of course, also addresses the rising global need to protect the ecosystem and fish supplies.