Acid mood

Latest research indicates a direct and significant correlation between dietary acid load (DAL) and emotional health. The higher the DAL, the higher the risk for significant mood dysregulation.
A 2020 study collecting data from over 4300 people indicated that participants with the highest DAL, had the most risk of marked mood imbalance, expressing a 92% greater risk than the others.
Maintaining a low level of inflammation is just one mechanism involved in reducing the risk of developing mood disorders. Studies show a low intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables can be associated with increased inflammatory markers.
The mechanisms involved suggest that even moderate increases in dietary acid load significantly stimulate the secretion and activity of glucocorticoids which play a central role in body-brain interaction. In a large cohort study of 200 healthy children, those with higher dietary loads secreted more glucocorticoids and long-term exposure thought to contribute to adverse psychological effects. Additional findings from these studies show that higher DAL scores were associated with poor sleep, which corresponds with acid-base balance and influences on glutaminergic nerve cells regulating brain activity and sleep stages.
This research illustrates that dietary choices can play a significant role in mood and sleep modulation.