About Jill Thomas

Consulting practitioner, Jill Thomas is a qualified naturopath, herbalist and iridologist. She is the author of Revive: How to Overcome Fatigue Naturally, published by Penguin in 2005, the Healthy Gut Guide published by Penguin 2007 and Mai Piu Stanche published by Red Edizioni (Milan) 2011.
Jill has received numerous awards for clinical excellence in nutrition and herbal medicine and graduated as dux of her year from the Melbourne College of Natural Medicine where she lectured for five years. Jill has also spent a year as the resident naturopath at a Melbourne radio station. Jill was a guest at the Daylesford Writers Festival in 2010.
As well as directing her Melbourne practice, Jill conducts regular naturopathic consultations in Paris and is currently setting up a clinic in the Loire Valley, France. Jill also runs naturopathic consultations via Skype worldwide.
She is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) and has been in practice for over a decade.