A sweet treat

I can guarantee very, very few of you would have got to the end of a consultation with me without being asked a few pertinent questions about your diet!
Strangely, after more than 21 years in practice, I still frequently hear the following response to my question about after dinner snacks.
“Oh, often I crave something sweet after dinner.” And sadly that sweet treat is often chocolate, ice cream or a sweet biscuit. Do we really need this sweet fix before bed? No, of course not. We are about to go to bed and sleep which certainly does not require extra calories!
How about this… when that sweet treat saboteur emerges try the following.
– Go outside and look at the stars or the moon. A visual treat too rarely observed.
– Give your pet a good old stroke. An unexpected treat for your lovely cat or dog.
– Give your partner, parent, child or even yourself a hug. A comforting treat for sure.
If all the above do not diminish that edible sweet treat desire, nibble on a dried date or dried fig, cut up a piece of fruit or have a cup of your favourite herbal tea… and relish every mouthful or sip.
Let’s say a firm goodbye to that unnecessary and just damn annoyingly persistent thought that we NEED a sweet treat! Not so.
Take good care,