A summer stroll!

The advantage of the glorious early morning sunrises over the summer months is the opportunity to start our day with a delightful touch of nature.
There is a calliphony of melodious birdsong out there!
Over the past few weeks instead of packing my gym bag and driving to the gym at the crack of dawn, I’ve been most satisfyingly (briskly) walking my neighbourhood streets.
And what a pleasurable way to start the day! The air smells crisp and fresh, with a whiff of subtle perfume from late spring, early summer blossoms and trees. Above there is an orchestra playing in the trees of chirping birds of every description.
And what colourful and varied array of birds indeed. Rosellas, wattle birds, crows, finches to name but a few. All with their distinctive good looks and unique songs. Strangely within this blend of birdsongs, there is a meditative energy in the stillness of these early mornings.
I urge all to embrace these rapturous summer mornings, and commence your day with a connection to our natural surroundings. (Needless to say, no earphones allowed!)