A spring in our step!

Melbourne is truly glorious in springtime.
Suburban streets are lined with cheery pink apple blossoms, jonquils and irises rise from their wintery sojourn and the heady scent of jasmine permeates the spring air. Blackbirds eagerly and expertly building their nests and those magnificent wattle birds cheerily hanging from the bottlebrushes!
We should stride into this springtime glory with enthusiasm and purpose! Let’s all ensure we are outside for at least half an hour each day (better still, make it an hour!), a brisk morning walk or an invigorating evening stroll, add in a little gardening, or a trip to your local library, plus some avid bird watching on the way!
Let’s be motivated by this beautiful flurry of springtime energy and renewal and embrace the great outdoors with an energetic skip to our step!