A spoonful of – makes the (herbal) medicine go down

Swigging neat followed by a glass of water is really the easiest method, but I know, I can already hear the cries of “But it’s awful!”, so if in pain try the following:
• dilute the 5 ml dose with about 10 ml water or fruit juice. Swallow quickly in one go as this reduces contact time with taste buds.
• for very sensitive individuals, try sucking on some ice beforehand to deaden the taste buds and the olfactory nerve
or chill the entire bottle of herbs by storing in the fridge.
• reduce contact time in the mouth by immediately rinsing your mouth with water. This is best achieved by holding the diluted herbs in one hand and the water to rinse with in the other. The two liquids are then consumed in a one-two action, as quickly as possible.
• drink herbal mixtures through a straw to bypass the taste buds at the front of the tongue.
• and if all of the above still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, try mixing herbal medicine with water or fresh juice and agar agar to make into small jelly cups.
Most clients however actually grow to love their herbs, and by the time we are ready to discontinue, are sad to see them go. It’s true!