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A smiling zigzag

A smiling zigzag

Many of us have recently been exploring different ways to exercise what with gyms, Pilates and yoga studios and group training etc. having come to a rather sudden grinding halt. Also with so many forced to stay at home to work or study, fresh air and a change of scene have taken on a new importance.

Never have I seen so many people out walking, families on their bikes, and joggers puffing by. It is a delight! I have experienced great pleasure in patting many friendly dogs. (Pets will have a major adjustment to make when this is all over!)

I’ve certainly been hitting the back streets and local parks, receiving pleasant smiles from others whom I do not know. There is a reassurance in friendliness. The walking zigzag as we keep our correct social distance is actually quite fun. And listening to and watching the plethora of birds is a sensory delight. Rosellas, wattle birds, magpies, crows, blackbirds even cockatoos seem to be in great abundance!

Or is it just because we have more time to be outside, and the skies and streets are quieter without so many cars and aeroplanes that we see and hear so much more?

There is always a silver lining, and perhaps we will emerge as a friendlier, kinder and more compassionate nation on the other side of the COVID-19 virus and spend more time in our great outdoors.

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