A fondness for flora

I am sure many of you have noticed my recent obsession with birds. One of the silver linings of the constant lockdowns was a more focused attention to the wonderful assortment of birds in our backyard and parks. Well, my focus has now moved more broadly to the garden and kitchen windowsill!
Pottering with plants is good for the spirit. Nothing is more satisfying than regarding a neat and tidy garden after a hard day’s work weeding. What an accomplishment! Making favourite plants more comfortable by replanting those that have outgrown their pots, designing and constructing a hanging basket, growing herbs either in the garden or on the windowsill are highly recommended healthy pastimes.
Indeed, I recently had a massive spring clean and took all my potted plants off my kitchen window ledge to give it a much-needed wipe down. Momentarily, my kitchen appeared sadly desolate and bare. The potted world provides us with an energetic vibrancy and colour.
Let’s dedicate this autumn to the garden, the balcony or just a window sill. Weeding, potting, watering…caring for another living soul is truly gratifying.
Take good care,