A cat’s playful life!

As you all know I am a big cat fan, particularly tabbies… but all cats are most acceptable!
Due to the inordinate amount of time I spend in my beloved France, pet ownership is, sadly not possible. But a dream come true! I have had the pleasure of looking after my neighbour’s cat for the past three weeks while they were overseas. She has been living with me, as my neighbours do not yet have a cat door. She is extremely affectionate and her purr I am sure could be heard a kilometre away! Other than sleeping, washing and eating she plays a lot… a cheerful furry soul.
A lesson for us all is the antics of this adorable pussy cat. Perhaps we need to loosen up a little and be somewhat more kittenish, impish! My cat-on-loan cannot stop doing roly-polys. As we walk down the hall in the morning, she walks a few steps, does a series of most unladylike roly-polys and off we go…this rather comical behaviour continues until we reach the kitchen.
While I am on the exercise bike, she throws her toy mouse in the air and ‘chases’ it around the living room. (I know an odd place to keep one’s exercise bike, but lack of space!) Or she pushes her musical ball around madly dashing all over the house until it gets stuck under a chair or bookcase. I know, I can hear you are thinking where is she going with this?
I am not implying we all need to learn to roly-poly… a bit undignified for us humans!
But how about trying to relax more often, just take ten minutes in our busy days to stop and find joy in small things. Dancing to your favourite song, watching a short video on funny pets, remembering what made you last have a real belly laugh. Personally, I have found skipping (not the rope type…oh no…but the knee up and down and hands swinging type), in the privacy of my own back yard, to be a most joyous and daggy time out. When did we decide happily skipping around was not a suitable activity for adults? It’s fun!! Let’s conscientiously focus on bringing in a few moments of jollification into our often busy and serious lives.
Take good care,