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Zinc and pneumonia

Zinc and pneumonia

Over the years I have written extensively on the importance of zinc for immunity, reproductive health, skin conditions, hair loss, wound healing, diarrhoea and children’s brain health and development.

Let’s look at a recent study examining the effect of zinc on the immune system to reduce pneumonia mortality. This recent meta-analysis showed zinc intake, given as an adjunct to treatment, significantly reduced mortality due to severe pneumonia.

Zinc plays a central role in multiple aspects of immune health. It regulates
lymphocyte proliferation and lymphocyte function, and preserves the integrity of respiratory epithelial cells (types of cells that line the surfaces of your body).
Therefore zinc deficiency means a greater susceptibility to pathogens and infectious diseases. (Zinc is especially low in the soil in Australia and zinc deficiency is common. Many of you may recall the zinc taste perception test with glee!)

The authors of the study stated that due to zinc’s immune regulatory actions on phagocytosis (certain cells engulf other more dangerous cells, resulting in the pathogenic cells’ death) and T cell production it is not surprising that zinc is effective in reducing mortality of severe pneumonia.

As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, the best type of zinc to take is in a bisglycinated form, as this has a far superior absorption compared to other forms of zinc. Fifty milligrams of elemental zinc is the correct dose in acute infection or deficiency.

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