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Food is Medicine

Food is Medicine

Just as I have always been saying (no not nagging!), 7–8 different coloured vegetables on our dinner plates and 3– 4 pieces of fruit a day, that’s the way to go.

The WCRF report included a table showing the strength of evidence for likely protection for specific types of foods (summarized below).

Foods containing lycopene and selenium are linked with a decrease risk for prostate cancer. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene and the bioavailability of lycopene is increased bycooking, pureeing, and adding oil to your tomatoes.

Likewise, garlic’s anti-colorectal cancer properties are enhanced by peeling and chopping which releases allinase the active, protective enzyme found in garlic bulbs. Foods with evidence for a link to a decrease risk of cancer

  • Fruit: Mouth, throat, oesophagus, lung, stomach
  • Non-starchy vegetables: Mouth, throat,oesophagus, stomach
  • Foods containing dietary fibre (i.e. fruits, vegetables, legumes): Bowel
  • Garlic: Bowel
  • Foods containing lycopene and selenium: Prostate
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