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Milk and Male Reproductive Health

Milk and Male Reproductive Health

An estimated 80% of circulating oestrogens in men arise from the androgen pool in peripheral fat tissue and high levels of oestrogens are related to prostatic
hyperplasia. (Lean men do not have high levels of oestrogens.)

The major source of animal derived oestrogens in the human diet are milk and dairy products,which account for 60–70% of the oestrogens consumed. The milk we consume today is certainly quite unlike that consumed 100 years ago. Humans consume milk obtained from heifers in the latter half of pregnancy, when oestrogen levels are markedly elevated. Modern geneticallyimproved dairy cows, such as the Holsein, are usually fed a combination of grass and concentrates allowing them to lactate during the latter half of pregnancy, even at 220 days of gestation. It is certainly reasonable to assume the enormous increase in the average male diet of high oestrogenic foods is associated with increased incidence of reproductive disorders.

PURPLE COW! – a delicious high calcium juice
Given the above information regarding the possible link between dairy consumption and male reproductive health, this non-dairy, but high calcium drink, may seem especially attractive!

½ head red cabbage
2 kale or silverbeet leaves
1 red pepper
2 red apples

Juice cabbage first, followed by the kale, pepper and apples. Sip slowly; juices should always be drunk slowly, almost chewed in fact.

Contains 124 mg of calcium, 64 mg of magnesium, 906 mg of potassium and 3.1 mg of iron … not bad for a simple juice!

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